First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please review the following statements. In order to proceed, it is important we know you understand each of the following statements. Please check each box to indicate you understand.
Pickup is no charge and limited to LRS Village of Schaumburg curbside residential customers. This service is designated for residents that have prearranged for it as part of the LRS service offerings. Items will be placed curbside/near the street, either loose (do not use plastic bags) or clearly marked in cardboard boxes as “EWASTE”, with collection beginning at 7AM on Monday the 7th of October and running through the entire week, regardless of your regular service day.
Items will be placed curbside/near the street, either loose (do not use plastic bags) or clearly marked in cardboard boxes as “EWASTE”, with collection beginning at 7AM on Monday the 7th of October and running through the entire week, regardless of your regular service day. Collection is for household E-Waste items only. Commercial or business electronics are not accepted.
Collection is for household E-Waste items only. Commercial or business electronics are not accepted. Items not reflected on the list of acceptable items will not be collected. Unacceptable items will be left behind.
Items not reflected on the list of acceptable items will not be collected. Unacceptable items will be left behind. LRS strongly recommends wiping all personal data from devices such as laptops, computers, hard drives, external storage, and cell phones prior to placing out for collection.
LRS strongly recommends wiping all personal data from devices such as laptops, computers, hard drives, external storage, and cell phones prior to placing out for collection.
Type of Phone Number:
Home (Landline)
Office (Landline)
Would you like to receive emails regarding services and updates?
Is your billing address the same as your service address?
Billing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
WASTE COLLECTION: What size cart would you prefer?
35-gallon waste cart
64-gallon waste cart
96-gallon waste cart
No thank you, will use a personal can
RECYCLING COLLECTION: Which size recycling cart would you prefer?
35-gallon recycling cart
64-gallon recycling cart
96-gallon recycling cart
No thank you, will use a personal can
YARD WASTE CART: (OPTIONAL) Would you like a 64-gallon or 96-gallon yard waste/food scrap cart for an additional $3.10 per month?
64-gallon yard waste cart for $3.10 per month
96-gallon yard waste cart for $3.10 per month
No, thank you
I would like additional waste cart(s).
64-gallon waste cart
96-gallon waste cart
No, thank you
How many additional carts would you like? DO NOT include your initial cart order in the quantity
I would like additional recycling cart(s).
64-gallon recycling cart
96-gallon recycling cart
No, thank you
How many additional carts would you like? DO NOT include your initial cart order in the quantity
Would you like backdoor trash/recycling service?
Yes, for additional $15.49 per month billed by LRS
Please also include any messages for LRS customer service, if interested.
Should be Empty: